Display HTML clusters with custom properties
This advanced example uses Unl Map Js clustering with HTML markers and custom property expressions. To use HTML or SVG for clusters in place of a MapLibre GL layer, you have to manually synchronize the clustered source with a pool of marker objects that updates continuously while the map view changes.
If you want to test this example, edit it in JSFiddle or CodePen and replace the "YOUR-OWN-API-KEY" and "YOUR-OWN-VPM-ID" placeholders with your actual api key and vpm id.<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8" /><title>Display HTML clusters with custom properties</title><meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no" /><script src="https://unpkg.com/unl-map-js@0.1.5/lib/unl-map-js.js"></script><link href="https://unpkg.com/unl-map-js@0.1.5/lib/unl-map-js.css" rel="stylesheet" /><linkhref="https://unpkg.com/maplibre-gl@2.1.9/dist/maplibre-gl.css"rel="stylesheet"/><style> body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } #map { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; width: 100%; }</style></head><body><div id="map"></div> <script>var map = new UnlSdk.Map({container: "map",zoom: 0.3,center: [0, 20],apiKey: "YOUR-OWN-API-KEY",vpmId: "YOUR-OWN-VPM-ID",}); map.addControl(new UnlSdk.NavigationControl()); // filters for classifying earthquakes into five categories based on magnitudevar mag1 = ["<", ["get", "mag"], 2];var mag2 = ["all", [">=", ["get", "mag"], 2], ["<", ["get", "mag"], 3]];var mag3 = ["all", [">=", ["get", "mag"], 3], ["<", ["get", "mag"], 4]];var mag4 = ["all", [">=", ["get", "mag"], 4], ["<", ["get", "mag"], 5]];var mag5 = [">=", ["get", "mag"], 5]; // colors to use for the categoriesvar colors = ["#fed976", "#feb24c", "#fd8d3c", "#fc4e2a", "#e31a1c"]; map.on("load", function () {// add a clustered GeoJSON source for a sample set of earthquakesmap.addSource("earthquakes", {type: "geojson",data: "https://u-n-l.github.io/unl-map-js-docs/assets/earthquakes.geojson",cluster: true,clusterRadius: 80,clusterProperties: {// keep separate counts for each magnitude category in a clustermag1: ["+", ["case", mag1, 1, 0]],mag2: ["+", ["case", mag2, 1, 0]],mag3: ["+", ["case", mag3, 1, 0]],mag4: ["+", ["case", mag4, 1, 0]],mag5: ["+", ["case", mag5, 1, 0]],},});// circle and symbol layers for rendering individual earthquakes (unclustered points)map.addLayer({id: "earthquake_circle",type: "circle",source: "earthquakes",filter: ["!=", "cluster", true],paint: {"circle-color": ["case",mag1,colors[0],mag2,colors[1],mag3,colors[2],mag4,colors[3],colors[4],],"circle-opacity": 0.6,"circle-radius": 12,},});map.addLayer({id: "earthquake_label",type: "symbol",source: "earthquakes",filter: ["!=", "cluster", true],layout: {"text-field": ["number-format",["get", "mag"],{ "min-fraction-digits": 1, "max-fraction-digits": 1 },],"text-font": ["Fira GO Regular"],"text-size": 10,},paint: {"text-color": ["case", ["<", ["get", "mag"], 3], "black", "white"],},}); // objects for caching and keeping track of HTML marker objects (for performance)var markers = {};var markersOnScreen = {}; function updateMarkers() {var newMarkers = {};var features = map.querySourceFeatures("earthquakes"); // for every cluster on the screen, create an HTML marker for it (if we didn't yet),// and add it to the map if it's not there alreadyfor (var i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {var coords = features[i].geometry.coordinates;var props = features[i].properties;if (!props.cluster) continue;var id = props.cluster_id; var marker = markers[id];if (!marker) {var el = createDonutChart(props);marker = markers[id] = new UnlSdk.Marker({element: el,}).setLngLat(coords);}newMarkers[id] = marker; if (!markersOnScreen[id]) marker.addTo(map);}// for every marker we've added previously, remove those that are no longer visiblefor (id in markersOnScreen) {if (!newMarkers[id]) markersOnScreen[id].remove();}markersOnScreen = newMarkers;} // after the GeoJSON data is loaded, update markers on the screen and do so on every map move/moveendmap.on("data", function (e) {if (e.sourceId !== "earthquakes" || !e.isSourceLoaded) return; map.on("move", updateMarkers);map.on("moveend", updateMarkers);updateMarkers();});}); // code for creating an SVG donut chart from feature propertiesfunction createDonutChart(props) {var offsets = [];var counts = [props.mag1, props.mag2, props.mag3, props.mag4, props.mag5];var total = 0;for (var i = 0; i < counts.length; i++) {offsets.push(total);total += counts[i];}var fontSize =total >= 1000 ? 22 : total >= 100 ? 20 : total >= 10 ? 18 : 16;var r = total >= 1000 ? 50 : total >= 100 ? 32 : total >= 10 ? 24 : 18;var r0 = Math.round(r * 0.6);var w = r * 2; var html ='<div><svg width="' +w +'" height="' +w +'" viewbox="0 0 ' +w +" " +w +'" text-anchor="middle" style="font: ' +fontSize +'px sans-serif; display: block">'; for (i = 0; i < counts.length; i++) {html += donutSegment(offsets[i] / total,(offsets[i] + counts[i]) / total,r,r0,colors[i]);}html +='<circle cx="' +r +'" cy="' +r +'" r="' +r0 +'" fill="white" /><text dominant-baseline="central" transform="translate(' +r +", " +r +')">' +total.toLocaleString() +"</text></svg></div>"; var el = document.createElement("div");el.innerHTML = html;return el.firstChild;} function donutSegment(start, end, r, r0, color) {if (end - start === 1) end -= 0.00001;var a0 = 2 * Math.PI * (start - 0.25);var a1 = 2 * Math.PI * (end - 0.25);var x0 = Math.cos(a0),y0 = Math.sin(a0);var x1 = Math.cos(a1),y1 = Math.sin(a1);var largeArc = end - start > 0.5 ? 1 : 0; return ['<path d="M',r + r0 * x0,r + r0 * y0,"L",r + r * x0,r + r * y0,"A",r,r,0,largeArc,1,r + r * x1,r + r * y1,"L",r + r0 * x1,r + r0 * y1,"A",r0,r0,0,largeArc,0,r + r0 * x0,r + r0 * y0,'" fill="' + color + '" />',].join(" ");}</script> </body></html>