Add a new layer below labels
Use the second argument of addLayer
, you can be more precise when adding a new layer below labels.
If you want to test this example, edit it in JSFiddle or CodePen and replace the "YOUR-OWN-API-KEY" and "YOUR-OWN-VPM-ID" placeholders with your actual api key and vpm id.<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8" /><title>Add a new layer below labels</title><meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no" /><script src=""></script><link href="" rel="stylesheet" /><linkhref=""rel="stylesheet"/><style> body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } #map { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; width: 100%; }</style></head><body><div id="map"></div><script>var map = new UnlSdk.Map({container: "map",apiKey: "YOUR-OWN-API-KEY",vpmId: "YOUR-OWN-VPM-ID",center: [-88.13734351262877, 35.137451890638886],zoom: 4,}); map.on("load", function () {var layers = map.getStyle().layers;// Find the index of the first symbol layer in the map stylevar firstSymbolId;for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {if (layers[i].type === "symbol") {firstSymbolId = layers[i].id;break;}}map.addSource("urban-areas", {type: "geojson",data: "",});map.addLayer({id: "urban-areas-fill",type: "fill",source: "urban-areas",layout: {},paint: {"fill-color": "#f08","fill-opacity": 0.4,},// This is the important part of this example: the addLayer// method takes 2 arguments: the layer as an object, and a string// representing another layer's name. if the other layer// exists in the stylesheet already, the new layer will be positioned// right before that layer in the stack, making it possible to put// 'overlays' anywhere in the layer stack.// Insert the layer beneath the first symbol layer.},firstSymbolId);});</script> </body></html>