Update a feature in realtime
Change an existing feature on your map in real-time by updating its data.
If you want to test this example, edit it in JSFiddle or CodePen and replace the "YOUR-OWN-API-KEY" and "YOUR-OWN-VPM-ID" placeholders with your actual api key and vpm id.<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8" /><title>Update a feature in realtime</title><meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no" /><script src="https://unpkg.com/unl-map-js@0.1.5/lib/unl-map-js.js"></script><link href="https://unpkg.com/unl-map-js@0.1.5/lib/unl-map-js.css" rel="stylesheet" /><linkhref="https://unpkg.com/maplibre-gl@2.1.9/dist/maplibre-gl.css"rel="stylesheet"/><style> body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } #map { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; width: 100%; }</style></head><body><div id="map"></div> <script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script><script>var map = new UnlSdk.Map({container: "map",apiKey: "YOUR-OWN-API-KEY",vpmId: "YOUR-OWN-VPM-ID",zoom: 0,}); map.on("load", function () {// We use D3 to fetch the JSON here so that we can parse and use it separately// from GL JS's use in the added source. You can use any request method (library// or otherwise) that you want.d3.json("https://u-n-l.github.io/unl-map-js-docs/assets/hike.geojson",function (err, data) {if (err) throw err; // save full coordinate list for latervar coordinates = data.features[0].geometry.coordinates; // start by showing just the first coordinatedata.features[0].geometry.coordinates = [coordinates[0]]; // add it to the mapmap.addSource("trace", { type: "geojson", data: data });map.addLayer({id: "trace",type: "line",source: "trace",paint: {"line-color": "yellow","line-opacity": 0.75,"line-width": 5,},}); // setup the viewportmap.jumpTo({ center: coordinates[0], zoom: 14 });map.setPitch(30); // on a regular basis, add more coordinates from the saved list and update the mapvar i = 0;var timer = window.setInterval(function () {if (i < coordinates.length) {data.features[0].geometry.coordinates.push(coordinates[i]);map.getSource("trace").setData(data);map.panTo(coordinates[i]);i++;} else {window.clearInterval(timer);}}, 10);});});</script> </body></html>